PWR at Home 3.0 Glutes & Hamstrings Workout – Kelsey Wells

PWR at Home Glutes & Hamstrings Workout

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PWR at Home Glutes & Hamstrings Workout
PWR at Home Glutes & Hamstrings Workout

I created PWR at Home to give women like you the tools you need to discover the true power of fitness. There are now 40 weeks of progressive strength training that you can do, at home. 

PWR at Home is not an easier training option, nor is it a slower route to achieving your fitness goals. With this intentionally designed workout program, you can achieve real results — follow #PWRprogress social media to see what other women have achieved by training with PWR at Home

This workout will give you a taste of what to expect in week 30 of PWR at Home — it can push you to discover strength that you didn’t know you had. 

PWR at Home 3.0 Glutes & Hamstrings Workout

Before beginning this workout, take the time to warm up your body. When you follow my PWR or PWR at Home programs in the SWEAT app, you’ll find a recommended warm up that you can follow along with to begin each workout. 

Warming up is so important for preventing injury and maximising the benefits of each training session. Once you’ve got the blood flowing, it’s time to slay this workout!

Activation 1 2 Exercises / 4 minutes

1. Glute Bridge & Extension

20 REPS 10 Per Side

2. Sprawl


Activation 2 2 Exercises / 4 minutes

1. Straight-Leg Deadlift


2. High Knees

40 REPS 20 Per Side

Superset 1 2 Exercises / 3 Laps

1. Bulgarian Split Squat

20 REPS 10 Per Side

2. Squat Thruster


Superset 2 2 Exercises / 3 Laps

1. Hamstring Curl


2. Fire Hydrant

20 REPS 10 Per Side

Circuit 3 Exercises / 3 Laps

1. Double-Pulse Squat


3. Glute Bridge


5. Alternating Bench Jump


Burnout 3 Exercises

1. Bench Jump


3. Donkey Kick

60 SECS 30 Per Side

5. Bench Hop


When you’ve completed the workout, take five minutes to cool down and stretch. Be consciously grateful that you can move your body — and that you have the opportunity to make time for yourself today. 

Remember, it’s not where you train — it’s why. 

You can use fitness as a powerful tool for self empowerment. Whether you do a workout at home or take your exercise outdoors, making time to care for your health is so important. 

I created PWR at Home to give YOU the tools to do strength training, right from your lounge or backyard. I started my own fitness journey at home, without any equipment or fancy workout gear. Through consistently applying effort, day after day, by not giving up, I found that fitness changed my life. I want you to experience that too! 

You can find 40 weeks of my PWR at Home program on SWEAT. I’d love to have you train with me! 

* Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. The above information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, sleep methods, daily activity, or fitness routine. Sweat assumes no responsibility for any personal injury or damage sustained by any recommendations, opinions, or advice given in this article.

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