Super Bowl Half Time Challenge | Half Time Workout – Kelsey Wells

Super Bowl Half Time Challenge

Sweat -
Super Bowl Half Time Challenge
Super Bowl Half Time Challenge

Who else watches the big game primarily for the commercials and halftime show!? Haha! I’m not huge into professional football, but the Super Bowl is still a big deal in our house! 

I always feel a little lethargic though, after eating all the yummy Super Bowl snacks and just sitting on the sofa for six hours. So, this year I am working on a little halftime workout that you can do while the show is on. I challenge you to join me! Don’t worry, you’ll still be able to watch the show and do this workout challenge!

Simply get up and complete the following circuit as many times as possible while you’re watching the halftime show, with as little rest as possible!

Sumo Squats — 12 reps

sumo squat


Static Lunges — 24 reps (12 per side)

Static lunge


Jumping Jacks — 20 reps

Jumping jacks


Bent-Leg Sit-Ups — 15 reps

Bent leg sit-ups

Flutters — 30 reps (15 per side)


Jumping Jacks — 20 reps

Jumping jacks second set

Kelsey Wells post-pregnancy free trialKelsey Wells post-pregnancy free trialKelsey Wells post-pregnancy free trial

Record how many rounds you finish and let me know how you did! 👊🏼💪🏼 Then relax and enjoy the rest of the game. 

If you’re looking for a workout to do the day after the Super Bowl, try this full body fitball workout, or check out my new program, PWR!

Let me know if you have other workouts in mind that you want to see! 



* Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. The above information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, sleep methods, daily activity, or fitness routine. Sweat assumes no responsibility for any personal injury or damage sustained by any recommendations, opinions, or advice given in this article.

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